Experience Builder
Terraform Repositories
Each of these repositories has a contribution opportunity identified.
Click on the repository title or “Details” button to learn more about the opportunity and start contributing!
getamis / vishwakarma
Terraform modules to create a self-hosting Kubernetes cluster on opinionated Cloud Platform.
- 145
- Security Scanning Linting
gettek / terraform-azurerm-policy-as-code
Terraform modules that simplify the workflow of custom and built-in Azure Policies
- 119
- Security Scanning
GoogleCloudPlatform / cloud-foundation-fabric
End-to-end modular samples and landing zones toolkit for Terraform on GCP.
- 1120
- Security Scanning
gordonmurray / packer_ansible_inspec_terraform_aws
A demo application using Packer, Ansible, InSpec and Terraform on AWS
- 118
- Linting
grem11n / terraform-aws-vpc-peering
Terraform module to setup VPC peering connection
- 110
- Security Scanning
gruberdev / tf-free
This repository enables the creation of cloud-native resources across all major cloud providers, utilizing only free-tier resources.
- 133
- Security Scanning Linting
gruntwork-io / intro-to-terraform
Sample code for the blog post series "A Comprehensive Guide to Terraform."
- 736
- Security Scanning Linting
gruntwork-io / terragrunt-infrastructure-live-example
A repo used to show examples file/folder structures you can use with Terragrunt and Terraform
- 664
- Security Scanning Linting
gruntwork-io / terragrunt-infrastructure-modules-example
A repo used to show examples file/folder structures you can use with Terragrunt and Terraform
- 269
- Security Scanning Linting